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REDBOOK Blues – What's Your Name?
REDBOOK Blues – What's Your Name?

Pop quiz: who should be listed as "the owner" in the TAA Lease? Specifically, the TAA lease language is as follows: "This Lease Contract ("Lease") is between you, the resident(s) as listed below, and us. The terms "you" and "your" refer to residents. The terms "we," "us," and "our" refer to... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted02/28/2023

Personal Advocacy – TAA Day at the Capitol & NAA Advocate
Personal Advocacy – TAA Day at the Capitol & NAA Advocate

What do you call an unpleasant process, especially one that is hidden from public view, that is used to produce a widely consumed product -- a product most people dislike; and a product that has adverse effects? If you said sausage-making or legislating, either answer would be correct. Our... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted02/28/2023

Pillow Talk - Capitol Improvement
Pillow Talk - Capitol Improvement

March is your month to advocate for our industry and your livelihood. This year, it is all about you! For 2023, Pillow Talk explores personal advocacy opportunities, importance, and impact. Last month, we explored an essential AATC advocacy tool: your input. This month we'll discuss two... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted02/28/2023

Pillow Talk: Your Input Needed
Pillow Talk: Your Input Needed

This year, it’s all about you! For the next twelve months, Pillow Talk explores personal advocacy opportunities, importance, and impact. Last month, we began by encouraging you to join AATC’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC). This month, we explore an essential AATC advocacy tool:... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted02/1/2023

Pillow Talk: It’s All About You
Pillow Talk: It’s All About You

In 2022, we took an in-depth look at advocacy basics: people, policy, politics, and local, state, and federal government. For 2023, we move from macro to micro. This year, it’s all about you! For the next twelve months, Pillow Talk explores personal advocacy opportunities, importance, and... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted01/10/2023

Pillow Talk: The Supremes
Pillow Talk: The Supremes

America’s constitutional government consists of three parts (or branches: 1) executive (president, agencies, and departments); 2) legislative (Senate and House of Representatives); and judicial (all federal courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States ). Most Americans... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted12/2/2022

Redbook Blues: Possession
Redbook Blues: Possession

If you are like me, you cannot wait for 2022 to be over! To help you make it one more month, I want to wrap up this year and set a firm foundation for next year by reviewing the fundamental relationship between residential property owners and renters. The owner always owns a rental property,... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted12/2/2022

Pillow Talk - The Mid Turn
Pillow Talk - The Mid Turn

“Mid-term” election (short for the middle of the presidential term) informally describes non-presidential, federal election years. In reality, “mid-turn” better defines these election cycles. Since the 1930s, the president’s party has lost an average of four (4)... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted11/3/2022

Redbook Blues - People
Redbook Blues - People

As a multifamily owner/operator, the past few years have been fiscally, physically, and emotionally draining. The old line about the crisis-building character is overrated!! Given all the stress in 2020, 2021, and 2022, I have learned a lot about myself, our industry, my company, and, more... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted11/3/2022

Pillow Talk - 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Pillow Talk - 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Queen Elizabeth II’s death and the instantaneous transfer of sovereignty to King Charles III provide a historic opportunity for Americans to reflect upon the unique blessing of liberty in our nation’s 246-year self-government experiment. Monarchy produces pomp and ceremony, divine... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted09/30/2022

Redbook Blues - Per Your Request
Redbook Blues - Per Your Request

The REDBOOK contains a wealth of legal information for multifamily housing owners and operators. You probably consult your REDBOOK when you have a question about the TAA Lease and addendums or if you have a fair housing or tricky eviction case. However, the REDBOOK is way more than legalese. In... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted09/30/2022

Dimensions Online - Redbook Blues: Room for Improvement
Dimensions Online - Redbook Blues: Room for Improvement

As multifamily housing owners/operators and our residents adjust to the current turbulent economic and social environment, I am reminded of the tremendous resources available to us as AATC members. Whether it is a fair housing class or the Business Exchange, AATC offers the tools we need to... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted09/6/2022