Circademics: One Thing. Really Well.

Posted By: Katy Polanco Dimensions Online,

As a child, I looked forward to attending the circus every year. There is something about the Big Show that is invigorating—watching all that talent under one Big Top. It was always amazing to me that everyone knew their craft so well. The clowns were never out of character, and the acrobats never fell; even the dogs played their part perfectly by walking on hind legs. The secret to a successful show is not the date and time; it is the artists and animals that bring their talents to the tent. They all do one thing, really well. When you think about the circus, it is a way of life; for each of those artists, it’s a part of who they are and their culture. This year, our goal for Education is to adapt to this train of thought. We are the artists preparing for The Greatest Show.

The circus artists study their craft vigorously, and most teach the next generation, passing on this passion. The education committee is here to do just that, to teach the next generation our passion for the multi-family industry and how to do it better. Circademics is the study of, you guessed it, the circus. As an industry, we should adopt something similar, where we study and train for it so often it has its own name. The only way to sustain passion is to pass it on. The only way to pass it on successfully is to have all the artists under one tent, working towards the same goal with a culture of learning, teaching, and networking to influence those who will be the next ring leaders.

This year, the Apartment Association of Tarrant County has an amazing lineup of education programs to serve our members. You can rest assured we have the best in the business to teach and guide participants to pass on our passion. The skills you see at the circus were not learned in a weekend course; they result from decades of dedicated practice. Simply put, a highly educated and trained team improves the bottom line. This association is also dedicated to serving its members through networking events that supply opportunities to give back to our community. These events give everyone a ticket to meet other artists from different properties and positions within our industry.

The humans that make up a circus come from all over the world, bringing multiple languages, customs, and cultures into the mix. However, because they share a common goal to create something bigger than themselves, barriers are removed and replaced with a willingness to learn the unknown. They learn from each other, from different experiences and perspectives. We invite everyone to be an artist, contribute their talents, home in on their craft, and be a part of The Greatest Show. Will you dance with us?

Upcoming Education Programs:

Spring Education Curriculum has kicked off in a GRAND Way! This year will be delivering the following:

  • 5 Pool Schools in English and Spanish
  • 2 CPO Courses in English and Spanish
  • 2 EPA 608 Certification Courses
  • 3 Fair Housing Courses
  • In-Person Courses: Maintenance, Sales/Leasing, Digital Marketing, Recruiting, Retaining Your Employees, Leadership, Grass Roots Marketing, Renewal Strategies, and more
  • HVAC Trouble Shooting Course
  • Hot Topic Webinars, which will cover immediate NEED TO KNOWS!
  • Financial Workshop, Assistant Manager Workshop, Leasing Workshop, and Leadership Workshop
  • Coffee Talk with Member Attorneys – Webinars
  • 20022/2023 TAA Red Book Seminars: March 30th (almost sold out) and May 18th
  • NAAEI Credential Programs: CAMT, CAM, CAS, CALP, CAPS

Make to visit our Education Page on for more detailed information!