AATC to Stop Selling Forms
For many years, AATC has been in the process of streamlining its forms business. You may remember, years ago, when every form from TAA was available to purchase by the stack at the AATC office. Now we’ve been assimilated into the digital age and, as such, have made the decision to completely stop selling printed forms of any kind to our members. Moving forward, all forms needs will be delivered through the Blue Moon Software Platform. You will still need to be a member of AATC in order to utilize the Blue Moon service. We have outlined Blue Moon’s information below. If you already use Blue Moon, then your service will remain the same.
To set up a Blue Moon Software account, contact:
- Blue Moon Software is offering for 1-year free forms to any IRO member with five units or less.
- You’ll be able to access all forms online with cloud storage via Blue Moon
- Receive complete access to TAA Redbook online
- Any IRO with 6-20 units can select the small owner package, this includes online forms and storage along with the Redbook online for an annual fee of $100.00 plus $5.00 per unit.