President's Letter: Dancing in the Flowers

Posted By: Patty Utley Dimensions Online,

Ahh, yes, the experience of spring in Texas. It can really be a sight to behold, from the scent of freshly released pollen to the crisp, cool air after some April rains. The flowers will soon bloom, the trees will blossom, and the grass will get very, very green. It makes me want to dance through the wildflowers! We experience this every year on our 365-day trek around the sun. Spring comes, and it goes—bringing a new freshness and spirit that prepares everything for another journey across the cosmos.

As I reflect on the idea of spring, I am noticing more and more that each year, when AATC brings in a new slate of leadership, how much that resonates. We keep everything fresh and bright. Bring in new perspectives and open new doors for someone teeming with excitement and ideas to bring our industry forward with new and up-to-date best practices designed to enhance both your personal and work life.

Each year, AATC presents a new group of executives, an updated board of directors, new committee chairs, and an all-new slate of committee members who are ready to push AATC in the right direction. Change is good; change is necessary. It’s vital to the health of an organization, lest we get complacent, and complacency is an enemy of progress.

AATC is committed to the idea and practice of cultivating the upcoming generation and searching for ways to create new opportunities for both our owner/managers and our supplier partners. A new generation of leaders creates a unique presentation of challenging and exciting ideas so that we can continue to make this the best association on the planet. One of the ways we accomplish current and fresh leadership stemmed from an idea that originated right here at AATC—Leadership Lyceum. Originating here at AATC, this program has been modeled throughout our industry on the local, state, and national levels and has allowed us to select a handful of participants each year to prepare them to be future volunteer leaders in our association.

This is YOUR association, and we mean that. Nothing successful we do would happen without those members who contribute their hearts and souls daily. So, are you looking to chime in and make a change at AATC? Then you jump in the pool, the water is fine! We have several committees that you can participate in and start making an immediate impact. You won’t regret your decision.

Are you ready to dance with me among the spring flowers and make things anew?

Patty Utley, BH Management
AATC President