President's Letter: Finish Line Up Ahead

Posted By: Michael Payne Dimensions Online,

October was a great success. We raised much-needed PAC money from our Fall Golf Tournament and our first-ever, Fall Festival, enjoyed over 200 people coming out for a day of family fun and adventure. We have been working behind the scenes to continue to deliver the highest-quality networking events so you can make the most of your AATC Membership!

This November gets us to towards the end of the race. We can see the finish line just ahead. 2021 has been a whirlwind of events and challenges, but we’d like to invite you one more time to two major events we have coming up.

November 16th is a big day! No doubt, you’ve seen us push out our marketing consistently over the past few weeks. If you’re on property, you’ve probably even received a postcard!

First, we have our Accelerate2021 Education Conference sponsored by H2O Plumbing starting at 9 am at the Arlington Sheraton. You’ll get to spend a full day with your industry peers learning about best practices, new strategies, and most importantly, you’ll get recharged and motivated to take what you’ve learned back your properties and apply it!

Our special guest is Carly Patterson, U.S. Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast. What an inspiring story she has and will tell you how to go from best to better. We’ll also have other local speakers, including Lissi Daniels, Katy Polanco, and Tracy Cherry. Something you don’t want to miss.

Immediately after our Education Conference is our Trade Show at the Arlington eSports Arena and Expo Center. We have over 150 exhibitors on hand to show you the latest and greatest multifamily products and services available to make your property a success story! We encourage you to stop by and show your appreciation for our supplier partners that are in attendance! Did I mention you could win $2,000? That’s right, but you have to be present to win and complete the Bingo card.

One more thing, I’d like to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Use this time to spend with your family and safe travels!

Michael Payne,
AATC President